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Chongwe Camp

An excellent proposition for demanding travelers interested in a luxurious safari in a national park famous for its extremely interesting flora and fauna. The camp is located at the unique junction of the Chongwe and Zambezi rivers. It offers a picturesque view of the mountains. While resting on comfortable armchairs in the shade of the faidherbia, you can listen to interesting sounds, e.g. monkeys playing, and watch elephants wading across the river. Nearby rivers wind through a valley full of forests. In these beautiful natural surroundings live, among others: lions and leopards. On a luxurious river cruise you can see crocodiles, elephants and hippos. Exclusive safaris are organized both by off-road vehicle and on foot. It is recommended to go on trips at night, because then you can observe many species that come to life only then. You can also see them from a perfectly prepared hideout, especially interesting for photographers. Fishing trips are also organized, during which you can try to catch the dangerous tiger goliath. The camp's decor is based on cotton canvases, handmade furniture and local textiles. Safari-style tents feature outdoor showers and outdoor lounge areas with river views. In this amazing, secluded area you can also enjoy delicious dishes cooked with local ingredients. The kitchen team specializes in grilled meats, fresh salads prepared from seasonal vegetables and fruits, and homemade pasta.

Lower Zambezi National Park, 20 min drive from Jeki airstrip and 15 min drive from Royal Airstrip (air connections from Lusaka, Livingstone and Mfuwe ports).

9 safari style tents.

food zone and bar.

Wi-Fi, swimming pool, limited Wi-Fi access, animal observation hideout.

bird watching, photography and wildlife viewing, day and night safaris, walking safaris, river cruises.

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