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Longitude 131°

The world-famous Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, best known for its Ayers Rock (Uluru) rock formation, is home to a luxury lodge offering the chance to explore the UNESCO World Heritage area. The park covers 125000 ha. Here you can learn about the culture and customs of the Anangu people.

Although it seems unlikely, these areas are characterized by an extraordinary richness of flora, with as many as 416 species of endemic plants present here. Many birds also live here, e.g. the Amaranth-crowned Cockatoo, the Pink-faced Cockatoo and the Red-rumped Red-cockaded, as well as interesting reptiles, including: a terrible monster and a lizard Liopholis striata. Of course, you can also see a red kangaroo and a dingo.

The area is known for low light pollution, which creates unique conditions for viewing the constellation of the Southern Cross or the Milky Way. You can learn a lot about the local geology and natural history of the region on trips to the Kantju and Walpa gorges. However, going to the Mutitjulu waterhole, you can see cave paintings and places important to the Anangu people. The lodge offers a view of Uluru, and the famous change of colors of the rock with each passing minute of sunset can be admired straight from the beds or from your own balconies.

In the restaurant, it is worth trying contemporary Australian cuisine with regional accents, typical of dishes prepared in the bush. Relax in the spa, which offers treatments using local ingredients, e.g. kakadu plum, Citrus glauca and Australian yellow clay.

Red Centre, Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Northern Territory, 3 hours flight from Sydney and Cairns, 1 hour flight from Alice Springs.

16 tent pavilions: Luxury Tent, Dune Pavilion.

restaurant and bar: The Dune House, The Dune-Top Bar.

boutique, Wi-Fi.

observing the night sky, observing wild nature, bushwalking.

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