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This luxurious hotel is not only a former residence where the king's guests were received, but also a masterpiece of the so-called new Khmer architecture of the 60s. In just 10 minutes you can reach the famous Angkor Archaeological Park, which is on the UNESCO World Heritage List and allows you to discover the secrets of the ancient Khmer civilization. Guests have the opportunity to learn about the history of a powerful empire that flourished between the 12th and 6th centuries, go to a floating village on Lake Tonle Sap, and admire the idyllic landscapes around Siem Reab - rice fields, sugar palm trees, wooden houses on stilts. We recommend riding bikes around the area. It is worth visiting the temples surrounding Angkor Wat and visiting the 5th-century temple of Wat Athvea, which is located on the outskirts of Siem Reab. You can participate in a cleansing ritual led by a Buddhist monk. To ensure that guests fully learn about the history and culture of the region, archaeologists and historians are invited to the hotel. Guests can expect apartments decorated with sandstone reliefs depicting the ruins of Angkor. Ceiling-high glass doors open onto a private courtyard. XNUMX apartments are equipped with shallow swimming pools ideal for relaxation (XNUMX x XNUMX m). The restaurant serves different dishes every day, so guests can enjoy various Cambodian specialties. Spa specialists offer unique treatments, including exfoliating, stimulating and hydrating, using local herbs.

Siem Reab, approx. 15 min drive from Siem Reab airport, 10 min from Angkor Archaeological Park.

24 apartments − Pool Suite, Courtyard Suite, Contemporary Suite.

2 restaurants and a bar − The Dining Room, Roof Terrace, Khmer Village House; private meals on request.

17-meter main swimming pool, 25-meter sports pool; WiFi; library, boutique with works of art from Cambodia and the Indochinese region.


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