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Cruises in the Middle East

Originally built by the British Navy in 1918 and later converted into a luxury steamship...

We invite you to eight days of an extraordinary adventure in which you will feel like the heroes of Fairy Tale 1000 and...

CARTER together with Oberoi Hotels & Resorts invite guests on a hyper-exclusive cruise around Egypt....

Egypt, the state of the pharaohs that existed for thousands of years thanks to the Nile, is best visited from the river....

Egypt, the kingdom of the pharaohs, owed its existence to the Nile - the floods of this river, attempts to predict them...

Originally built by the British Navy in 1918 and later converted into a luxury steamship...

We invite you to eight days of an extraordinary adventure in which you will feel like the heroes of Fairy Tale 1000 and...

CARTER together with Oberoi Hotels & Resorts invite guests on a hyper-exclusive cruise around Egypt....

Egypt, the state of the pharaohs that existed for thousands of years thanks to the Nile, is best visited from the river....

Egypt, the kingdom of the pharaohs, owed its existence to the Nile - the floods of this river, attempts to predict them...