Goście Nomad Story odwiedzą dziewicze wyspy i wody Parku Narodowego Komodo, który położony jest w centrum archipelagu Indonezji, pomiędzy wyspami Sumbawa i Flores. Komodo zostało wskazane przez organizacje WWF i Conservation International jako obszar priorytetowy wymagając ochrony w skali globalnej. W 1980 r. został ustanowiony w celu ochrony unikatowego smoka z Komodo, największej jaszczurki na ziemi, oraz jej naturalnego środowiska. Smok Komodo zamieszkuje kilka wysp w tym regionie, w szczególności wyspę Komodo. Od momentu ustanowienia Parku jego cele zostały rozszerzone, aby chronić całą bioróżnorodność, zarówno morską, jak i lądową w tym niezwykłym regionie. Wody tutaj są domem dla jednego z najbogatszych i najbardziej zróżnicowanych środowisk morskich, co czyni je popularnym miejscem do nurkowania. Gdy dodacie do tego zalane słońcem plaże, turkusowe zatoki, wspaniałe rafy koralowe, rozgwieżdżone niebo i wspaniałe zachody słońca, to zrozumiecie, że wyspy Komodo stanowią oszałamiające tło dla przygód i relaksu
On arrival in Labuan Bajo, guests will be met by the Alila Purnama crew and transferred by car and speedboat to Alila Purnama. The ride will take about 15 minutes. Once on board, voyage to relaxation begin! Following a general briefing by the Cruise Director to familiarise passengers and their travelling companions with the vessel and all safety procedures, we will set sail for Sabalon Island. Lunch will be served during the 1 – 1.5 hour cruise. There will be a splendid afternoon on the beach and in the tropical waters of Komodo. During the night, the boat will anchor at Gililawa Laut.
The northern islands, reefs and pinnacles of the Komodo National Park provide an irresistible magnet for fishes and divers. In Gililawa Laut guests will enjoy a full day of swimming, snorkelling and diving. Here they will discover that it is not uncommon to dive and snorkel with dolphins and manta rays. In the afternoon, if their sense of adventure inspires them, take a trek up to a local summit for a spectacular view over the surrounding islands.
The early morning brings us to the island of Banta, just at the border of the Komodo National Park. Banta is one of the most beautiful places to be. Kayaking, swimming, snorkelling, diving, sipping a fresh juice at the beach or trekking to discover an extraordinary panorama will be choices available for the guests.
In the morning, guests will experience a unique encounter – with the fearsome Komodo Dragons, the world’s largest lizard (more than 3 meters long), in their natural habitat. Take a walk around the park guided by experienced rangers who will share with you their profound knowledge of the Komodo, the fauna and the flora of the area. Later in the morning, the Alila Purnama will sail to a world-famous Pink Beach where guests can spend the rest of the day in the water or relaxing on the beach.
Another amazing day stretches in front of our guests. They will find Padar Island another excellent spot for snorkelling and diving, or sunbathing on a secluded beach with a refreshing cocktail in hand. Or if they prefer, they can stay on board the Alila Purnama and luxuriate with a pampering spa treatment.
Wake up to another paradise view, this time of the pristine white-sand beaches of Batu Muncul where guests can laze away the day at their leisure. The clear waters also beckon… superb for swimming, diving and snorkelling awaits. End this wonderful day with an unforgettable barbeque under the stars.
In the morning, Alila Purnam will set sail for Labuan Bajo. After breakfast, it will be time to bid farewell to the luxurious yacht and her crew. Guests will then be transferred to Labuan Bajo airport, where our team will assist them with departure.
Terminy rejsów 2019:
Ceny na 2018 i 2019 r.:
pn.-pt. 9:00 - 18:00
sb. 9:00 - 17:00
Copyright 2024 L.T.M. LUXURY TRAVEL MANAGEMENT SP. Z O.O. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone.
Licencja NR 756 dla organizatorów turystyki wydana przez Wojewodę Mazowieckiego
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